It's amazing how much "stuff" we accumulate in our house and most of it is just garbage that we eventually throw away OR convince ourselves that we will use one day. This article from Houzz gives 5 easy ways to stop the clutter before it even starts. For example: Say NO TO FREEBIES! I for one, always say YES....not good... and second, stop giving gifts (really!?: YES!). Well not exactly, but basically stop passing off crap to others and they will not be inclined to reciprocate with more crap. In the end, be thoughtful with your gift giving.
Read the full article
If only my cupboards looked like this. This photo makes me want to go shopping and replace what I have. But I think that defeats the purpose of "paring down"...Thoughts?
My project for this Fall is to master the art of making half sour pickles! That will be my go-to-gift for all of you this year. Enjoy.